
Some Top Star/Nibante love (Umai!)

Warning; this post is probably going to be full of Youtube videos. Sorry

I remember reading somewhere that Top star and nibante can be combi at its own way, especially when siennes' chemistries work. Especially after seeing Ernest in Love (Moon, 2005) I totally believe it. Asako/Kiriyan combi is made of win.

First; I'm going to call this scene as "Muffin scene". It's just effing great, as normal scene without any parts or lines added by Asa or Kiriyan. But when they decide to give bit more laughs to audience...

(Dear Asako, you're not supposed to take any of those muffins. They're all Kiriyan's)

The song that comes bit later, Bunbury, is also awesome. I undertand only word here and there, but still it makes me smile.

And then....MUFFIN SONG
(copy&pasted form youtube) "Basically what's happening is that Jack (Sena Jun) is all paranoid that Gwendolen and Cecily are upset with the both of them for lying, while Algy (Kiriyan Hiromu)is too focused on the food that the two girls left over."

Kriyan's umai (delicious), Asa messing her hair, "Wait, onii-chan (brother)" "Who you're calling onii-chan?!". Oh yes

And then the version with little um...Kind of ad lip at the end

(Poor Asa, Kiriyan just loves to mess with her *grin*)

And I'm so sure Kiriyan that after last play, Kiriya didn't want to see, or eat, muffins for loong time. She had to eat them even at rehearsals

I really undertand why Moon Troupe is said to be excellent troupe for western comedies. I hope they can find nibante that is suitable for doing these kind of performances with Kiriyan

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