
Both the husband and the wife ask of each other "Where is Elisabeth's love?"

I should really, really stop reading other blogs of Takarazuka fans. Now I have this little voice in my head that tells me to get every version of Elisabeth.
Eh, how about no? Though I could buy that Applause dvd thing, where are scenes from three first Elisabeths. I have also ordered (and still waiting...) Flower Troupe's version and have year 2005 Moon Troupes's production in my laptop. And since I don't care so much about year 2007's production (sorry Chika. But I still watch clips from yt), that would leave this year's version. So in a way, I would need to buy only two dvds.

Though my must buy list has become longer than would be wise. As I've said, I've ordered Flower's Elisabeth and also Cosmos' Never Say Goodbye, which is the last show for Wao and Hana (;__;).
A Kiss to the Flames/Neo Voyage - Even though the play would suck, but Wao/Hana <3 And the tearjerker scene
Lucifer's Tear/Tarantella - somehow Komu has stolen my heart (it must be how most of the times she looks like scared little boy, and though she looks so petite she has so much passion, especially when she dances) and I really, really want to have show where she is the Top Star. Well, this is her and Maa-chan's last show. And how I can go wrong with show that has a) very human Lucifer b) character dieing for about hour, and still do it in touching way c) revue, that is for half an hour almost non stop Komu dancing

and after those two comes messy pile of Phantom (probably Wao/Hana version, at first, because they are amazing just like that), Immortal Thorns (Need some Osasa love ;__; ), Ernest in Love (Umai! <3 Plus bit more Ai-chan can't hurt, right?), Last Play/Heat on Beat (last play of Asa is "must have") and then somehow bit more Komu love (with Tom, The Senka Goddess, please). And of course something with Yuu-kun (matte my darling~)

I haven't even listed those cds, books, magazines, or top star dvds etc I'd like also to purchase.

Yes, for the next....Ten years I'm going to be soo broke *sighs*

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