
Shiny things, I want my shiny things ;__;


Is she even mortal?

No, I'm not talking about the Senka goddess Tom (or her ankles), but Hana.

Really looks like she is able to do pretty much everything when it comes to takarazuka

Both the husband and the wife ask of each other "Where is Elisabeth's love?"

I should really, really stop reading other blogs of Takarazuka fans. Now I have this little voice in my head that tells me to get every version of Elisabeth.
Eh, how about no? Though I could buy that Applause dvd thing, where are scenes from three first Elisabeths. I have also ordered (and still waiting...) Flower Troupe's version and have year 2005 Moon Troupes's production in my laptop. And since I don't care so much about year 2007's production (sorry Chika. But I still watch clips from yt), that would leave this year's version. So in a way, I would need to buy only two dvds.

Though my must buy list has become longer than would be wise. As I've said, I've ordered Flower's Elisabeth and also Cosmos' Never Say Goodbye, which is the last show for Wao and Hana (;__;).
A Kiss to the Flames/Neo Voyage - Even though the play would suck, but Wao/Hana <3 And the tearjerker scene
Lucifer's Tear/Tarantella - somehow Komu has stolen my heart (it must be how most of the times she looks like scared little boy, and though she looks so petite she has so much passion, especially when she dances) and I really, really want to have show where she is the Top Star. Well, this is her and Maa-chan's last show. And how I can go wrong with show that has a) very human Lucifer b) character dieing for about hour, and still do it in touching way c) revue, that is for half an hour almost non stop Komu dancing

and after those two comes messy pile of Phantom (probably Wao/Hana version, at first, because they are amazing just like that), Immortal Thorns (Need some Osasa love ;__; ), Ernest in Love (Umai! <3 Plus bit more Ai-chan can't hurt, right?), Last Play/Heat on Beat (last play of Asa is "must have") and then somehow bit more Komu love (with Tom, The Senka Goddess, please). And of course something with Yuu-kun (matte my darling~)

I haven't even listed those cds, books, magazines, or top star dvds etc I'd like also to purchase.

Yes, for the next....Ten years I'm going to be soo broke *sighs*


Some Top Star/Nibante love (Umai!)

Warning; this post is probably going to be full of Youtube videos. Sorry

I remember reading somewhere that Top star and nibante can be combi at its own way, especially when siennes' chemistries work. Especially after seeing Ernest in Love (Moon, 2005) I totally believe it. Asako/Kiriyan combi is made of win.

First; I'm going to call this scene as "Muffin scene". It's just effing great, as normal scene without any parts or lines added by Asa or Kiriyan. But when they decide to give bit more laughs to audience...

(Dear Asako, you're not supposed to take any of those muffins. They're all Kiriyan's)

The song that comes bit later, Bunbury, is also awesome. I undertand only word here and there, but still it makes me smile.

And then....MUFFIN SONG
(copy&pasted form youtube) "Basically what's happening is that Jack (Sena Jun) is all paranoid that Gwendolen and Cecily are upset with the both of them for lying, while Algy (Kiriyan Hiromu)is too focused on the food that the two girls left over."

Kriyan's umai (delicious), Asa messing her hair, "Wait, onii-chan (brother)" "Who you're calling onii-chan?!". Oh yes

And then the version with little um...Kind of ad lip at the end

(Poor Asa, Kiriyan just loves to mess with her *grin*)

And I'm so sure Kiriyan that after last play, Kiriya didn't want to see, or eat, muffins for loong time. She had to eat them even at rehearsals

I really undertand why Moon Troupe is said to be excellent troupe for western comedies. I hope they can find nibante that is suitable for doing these kind of performances with Kiriyan


Take breath, bow deeply and burn this stage to you heart

Today Asako, Sena Jun, has retired as sienne.

Asako, who with Osa got me interested in Takarazuka.
Otokoyaku with versatile vocal range, so that she could potray Elisabeth and with charisma next to no one.

First I saw her as Bill from Me and My Girl running and goofing around tricking me to think that she is top notch comedy sienne, which she of course is, but she can do serious roles too. Then Luigi Lutcheni fron Elisabeth, so wicked, so crazy. Again Elisabeth (play), this time as title character, really shocking me. Yes, I don't deny that I don't like otokoyaku playing such a big female role, but I got to say she did the part really well. And then she played dear Der Tod/Death. It was so strange watching the actor who I've seen (and adored) as little bit simple and good-natured Bill play character like Death, and Asako played him as very cold and...Well, cold. Now I'm trying to watch Ernest in Love, her first role as Top. And I'm planning to order Last Play someday.
Maybe it's just my nature that gets easily attracted to person/things/etc, but I feel bit sad about her retirement. I don't like to even try to imagine how it feels to those who has watched her as little bud, blooming into Flower that shines under Moonlight (sorry about bad pun).

(once upon a time, there were Osa and Asa)

She left huge boots for Kiriyan to fill. But I trust that sienne, who almost made me believe that Franz Joseph actually isn't so boring character, can do it. Ganbatte, Kiriya-san!

Sadly, I think I won't be following Moon Troupe so much anymore. Not only did Asa retire, but also Ahi and Ai-chan. I really liked Ahi, though sometimes (read; most of the time) she sounded little bit like...Sheep. But somehow it didn't bother me so much. Plus she during this year's Elisabeth, she was switching between Rudolph and one of the color coded Hungarian revolutionist and that's ultimate combo of awesomeness.
And Ai-chan...I thought she would make lovely combi with Kiriyan. I don't usually notice musumeyakus that much, but Ai just got my attention, first as one of those little Deaths/mermaid prostitute (don't ask) at Elisabeth (2005).

And like this isn't enough, Yumiko is retiring 25th of April and Ayane 30th of April. There has also been rumours about Chika retiring during this year, which would mean that Snow Troupe's nibante (Yumiko) and top otokoyaku (Chika) would retire. And then who would become new top? But anyway, if the rumours are true, then Snow Troupe has very interesting year ahead.

Now more than ever, in midst of all this retiring business, I really hope that Yuuhi-kun won't retire for long time (though Cosmos is notorious for it's short staying tops. Minus Wao and Hana of course).



Anata ga ikitaiyo...

Yes, I've had Wao/Hana day. Really, they are THE Golden Combi for me. They just have that something. Of course both of them are great siennes by them own skills and merits, but when together they just have that sparkle that adds something more. And imo Hana is the best musumeyaku I've seen and her stats/months are next to none; she debutet during 1991 and at 1993 she became Top Star for Snow Troupe (she was only 20 years old) and lasted here for 46 months, until she was transferred to brand new Troupe, Cosmos,at 1998 from where she graduated at 2006, after being here for 102 (!!) months. She was Tops Star for 148 months/around 12/13 years. Believe or not, her , at least, Top Musumeyaku career is the longest in company's history, and I wonder if there's has been any otokoyakus as top longer than she had. Also Wao's career as top otokoyaku has been one of the longest ones.

I wish I could pinpoint what is *the* thing that makes them so great, but I just can't. Maybe I have found some things, but they're like trying to throw a ball to basket at dark, just lucky guesses that might hit, but more likely won't.
For me it feels like Wao had so much passion that was skillfully kept under control. Of course probably over 90% of siennes also have passion. But Wao's seems to be somehow...Different. And when she needed that extra amount...Just whoom. Like as Manrico, from Kiss to the Flames. Everytime I watch one spesific scene I almost start crying (of course Hana also plays big part at that).
And Hana...She comes, she charms you, does her job and you'll be like 'Wow...Wait, what the heck just happened'. She really can take the stage when she needs.

(I don't know the name of the song(s), but it's from Kiss to the Flames, that scene that makes me almost cry)

And so that at least my eyes won't stay dry, Wao and Hana as Phantom and Christine from, suprise suprise, Phantom of the Opera. And yay, subtitles.

Now I'm off to dry my eyes. Excuse me

Hey there new star, do you remember where you used to be?

I almost started this entry also with "damn", like I have two previous ones.

I again found new Takarazuka DVDs I'd like to buy. I'm becoming bit more interested about Flower Troupe around the time when Yuuhi (Yuu-kun) was at Flower Troupe. The trio of Un (Matobu Sei), Yuu-kun (Oozora Yuuhi) and So (Sou Kazuho) seemed to have great chemistry and blast together. Sadly, Yuu-kun stayed at Flower about only a year. But then she went to become Top Star of Cosmos, so...Anyway, there are only couple of plays around that time and from what I've seen and read Love and Death in Arabia/Red Hot Sea seems to be the best option.
I'd also like to have something with Osa and Asa around the time before Osa become Top or just afetr it. Looks like Immortal Thorns would be good choice here. Plus it has Yumiko.

Ugh, my Takarazuka stuff buying list seems to become longer and longer

When she dances...

Damn, Asa is master of those "Come and get me looks" when it comes to Elisabeth's duet dances. It's just...Drooliness

First there's year 2005's Elisabeth, Asa as, well, Elisabeth. She had that grin made of awesomeness during pretty mucg the whole duet dance

And then 2009, Asa as Death. For me the beginning is kind of blah, but around 1:20 it picks up. And maybe she doesn't have that same grin as Sissy during any part, but there's couple of those Death smiles.


Give them everything you've got, give them even more

Damn, I really should stop reading about "new" (for me) 'zuka plays, siennes etc. I have already decided that if everything goes well with my takarazuka dvd order (Elisabeth, 2002/Hanagumi <3), then A Kiss to the Flames, with Wao and Hana as Top Pair (as pair, I think they're the best, real Golden Combi), would be next. But now I'm starting to think about ordering Last Play/Heat on Beat. C'moon, it's Asa's last play! And Ahi's ;__; (Yeah, Rudolph/one of the color coded Hungarian Revolutionists needs some love too) and well, so many are retiring from Moon Troupe. Really, what I am going to do without Asa? And then, Yumiko is also retiring, and there has been rumours about Chika and Ginger seems to be retiring also and...Gosh, no!
Will be sorely missed

Oh, and; How can Komu (Asami Hikaru) be so effing cute? She just seems to be cute little darling. It has to be those eyes. And why does she seems to have knack for getting involved in those slashable m/m(and sometimes one more /m) dances?

(The slashable part starts around 2:30. And yes, it's Komu and Tom. Again)

But really, Komu as Rudolph is just so... I can almost say that it hurts to watch her poor Rudolph. Especially "Yami ga hirogaru". Maybe her and Zunko's voice don't match as well as, for example, Osa and Yumiko's, but there's just something...Her expressions, whole bodu language. Yes, it might be little bit exaggerated in Takarazuka style, but still. And I think her Oscar is The Oscar. There's no doubt about it.
*sighs* And yes, she retired back in 2006.
But really, I'd like to order something with her.

And of course there's those GRAPH magazines though I can't understand much of them, biut those poster and covers and pics and...Here we go again


Merry Christmas <3

I love this video to death!!

Osa, Asa, Chika is amazingly hot with blonde hair, Un and Yumiko, Touko and Yuuhi of course. And not to forget those lovely musumeyakus, especially Ginger (Sakurano Ayane) and Hizuki.

Elisabeth ( Takarazuka/2005/Moon Troupe)

Okay, so this is the first whole Takarazuka performance I've watched ('performance watched' as in watched from laptop/comp/etc) and last night I watched it for second time. And yes, without subs. I used summary from TakaWiki and even with my almost non-existant Japanese skills, I could follow the play quite easily.

First of all I want to say that I really adore Asa (Sena Jun)and she is one of my favourite siennes', just behind Osa (Haruno Sumire). I remember that first time I saw her running around as Bill from Me and My Girl I was quite amazed. She had so much energy and I couldn't stop myself from smiling widely when I watched her acting. Plus I think she's one of the cutest siennes', and heck, even her Death/Der Tod from this year (2009) seems cute to me. Yes, "angsting creepy stalker whose ego is bigger than him" Death. Maybe my sense of cuteness can sometimes be little...Strange.
Asa is otokoyaku ("male part player"), but she has twice played leading female roles. Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With the Wind (Flower Troupe, 2002) and Elisabeth in, well, Elisabeth (Moon Trupe, 2005).
That right, my second favourite otokoyaku played the lead female role in the first Takarazuka performance I've seen from start to finish.
Yes? No?
I don't know.
I don't really like the idea of otokoyaku playing female roles, especially Elisabeth.
First; Musumeyaku has been taught to play female roles. Yes, they're female, but that doesn't mean that they can sit around almost the whole second year at TMS, while little soon-to-be-otokoyakus work their asses off. Nope. I bet they have to learn those "typical musumeyaku things", most of all, the gracefulness. And that's what Asa is missing as Sissy. Okay, she's good as younger Elisabeth, at same way as young otokoyakus are sometimes way too cute. Excitement and energy more than one person can hadle combined with still little stiff and square movements.
Second, and the most important reason; Elisabeth is probably one of the best roles that musumeyaku can get. It's far from stereotypical musumeyaku role, where audience maybe only vaguely remembers couple of musumeyakus. It's the role where musumeyaku can say "Hey look, I'm here too, I'm not non-existing". I bet it's quite challenging to potray character who starts as young tomboy (or as tomboy as they could be back then) and ends up as Empress of Austro-Hungary. Sissy is also quite strong and indepent female character, she even couple of times told Death to fuck off (well, not literally using those words...) and yes, that needs some large dosage of strong will.
In short, I just don't like that such a different and challening character is taken off from musumeyakus.

Saeko (Ayaki Nao) was ok-ish Death. There was something very feminine at her Death. Something very....soft, at least compared to Osa's Death. But Saeko had such a lovely "Oh yes, I am hot" expression at some scenes. Some of the songs are too low for her, but at some songs she adds nice touch of color livenes. Still she has little boyish voice.

Kiriyan (Kiriya Hiromu) is lovely as Luigi. She makes Luigi such a wicked lunatic. Oh, and first paparazzi.

Oh, Yuuhi <3 Yuuhi as Rudolph is just wondeful. She is current top star at Cosmos and I can totally understand why. She is probably my favourite current sienne (I'm not counting Asa as she's graduation at end of this year, in mere week ;__; ). Rudolph is my second favourite character just after Death and Yuuhi does her job here well.

And Hiromi (Ayana Oto) as young Rudolph is one of the cutest thing ever. Of course there's these "sisterly love" jokes 'cause Hiromi is younger sister of Saeko and they have one nice scene.

Though I really don't like that Asa is playing Elisabeth, I have to say she adds some strenght to character. Plus I really enjoy this play.
Though I don't know what happens when I see Flower Troupe's version of this. (Osa as Death and Yumiko as Rudolph. Yay)