
But what about her cheek bones?

Scary realisations (okay, not scary in same way as last weekend, regarding retirements). Actually I'm starting to understand why Zunko is liked by many Zuka fans. I really need to see Cosmos' Elisabeth (1998/1999) and Jose and Carmen (aka "what, they let siennes' do that?").


Boku dake...I mean, Watashi dake ni....

I want to see that play ;__; Starring Nagina Ruumi (Kacha) and Hanakage Arisu. I've become bit interested about them. Okay, I haven't seen any performance by Arisu yet, but from what I've read she seems to have quite deal of talent. I hope she can fill musumeyaku shaped hole in my Zuka heart.
And Kacha...Well, she's one interesting baby otokoyaku. I just found out today, that she actually played Elisabeth during last year's version. Yes, otokoyaku who actually is still Junior Teamed (can have Shinji Kouen roles, been on stage for seven year or less) played female lead that isn't one of the easiest one. Oh, and she is actually from Cosmos and moved to Moon for just this performance. And she is taller than Asa.
When Moon Troupe will make Elisabeth where the female lead is actually played by musumeyaku?
But really, I think that Kacha will make very inetresting, not traditional otokoyaku. And I really need some baby siennes' to follow.

I also realised that when Un-chan and Yuu-kun retires (look, it's already 'when' and I'm dreading the day when the annoucement is made) I'm kinda out of loop. There isn't any of my 'dearest one' left. I really should start investigating current Troupes.


...And then we can just reminisce their smiles

I don't know if it's partly because of things going on currently in my (personal) life and this is kind of like my way to process that, but I've had couple of very scary realisations about Zuka retirements.
Of course those realisations are partly caused by news of Chika's retirement. I'm still kinda...Well, not actually completely realised it. Yes, Asa (and Ahi and Ai-chan) was my first 'siennes' that I like retires' moment, but it was already been announced when Asa will retire when I actually found Takarazuka's magical world and both Ahi and Ai-chan came to the scene just about week before their retirement (or actually, I will write bit about Ahi later in this post. That is if ever get to that point). Yes, I like Asa hundred times more than Chika, but I still like her and haven't have proper time to investigate her since there's been so much other things going on with Zuka. I bet if I looked more of her performances I might like her quite much. Her retirement annoucement is first I have "experienced" and, well, somehow I feel like when Chika will leave, there isn't anymore connection between present Snow Troupe and Komu. I mean, they were Top-nibante combi and even though Tom is still in Senka....Well, she is 'The Senka Goddess'. Though she has been fading little bit during last couple of years.
And really, Komu and Yumiko are the reasons for me being interested about Snow Troupe and now with Komu having been retired for around four years and Yumiko retiring there really isn't any reason for me to follow Yuki anymore. Of course, barring who will become next Top and nibante.

And then, my Flower Troupe's Fantastic Four; Osa, Asa, Yumiko and Un-chan (I know that Asa left to Moon by the time Un-chan transferred to Flower, but still I call them that since all four of them either originates from Flower or have made the biggest roles there). Osa retired, Asa retired, Yumiko going to retire and I don't know how long it will be before Un-chan retires since this marks her third year as Top and usually Top stays at that position around 2-3 years.
Each of them played big part when it comes to intriguing my Zuka interest; Osa as Phantom was my first Takarazuka clip I saw and it was love at first sight, then came Asa's Bill and after that Appartement Cinema with Osa, Yumiko and Un-chan. Of course, Colden Gombi also plays a big part, but without those four...They're the reason I became hooked in the first place.
And Ayane, my first musumeyaku love <3 I just can't/don't want to believe she also will retire this year.

There's so much more I'd like to write about retirement things, but the more I think the more confused I'll become. And it makes my head (and heart) hurt. And it's just mid January.

On lighter note, I purchased two Zuka DVDs from fellow European fan. First one is Higher than the Sky of Paris/Fancy Dance (starring Asa, Mihoko, Yuu-kun, Kiriyan, Maa-kun and Seri (aka the kind of cute, round faced otokoyaku) to name few). It is pretty much my Moon Dream Team.
Me and my girl hanarenai~ Yes, Me and My Girl, year 2008 Moon Troupe's version. It's not epic like Elisabeth or Phantom, but still it has place in my heart for reasons that are hard to explain. And the thing about Ahi...I watched the beginning of this play last autumn and thought that the otokoyaku with vest is kind of cute though her singing voice isn't that pleasant. And guess what, I realised just today that otokoyaku is actually no one else but dear Ahi.

(~Me and my girl lalalaa~)


So the rumours can be truth

Oh effing, fucking great. Chika will retire at 12th of September. So yes, those rumours were true. I just can't help but wonder what the heck is going on, since also Yumiko, Snow Troupe's nibante will retire this year. Are they going to transfer someone, or are the sienne who has been nibante for...almost four months going to be new Top? I suppose Kimu would be next nibante after Yumiko retires. Probably should search and watch some of her stuff, like Elisabeth (2007) where she played Luigi. And Kimu definetly is Star Tracked (Shinji Kouen and Bowhall leads), but I can't help to wonder would the jump be too big. And really, who would they transform.

It is kinda ironic actually, that Chika retires so close to Yumiko's. Cute, bright and shining Yumiko who I wished to become Top someday. I mean she has charisma, voice and talent overall for that place.

I'm not that big Snow Troupe fan, for me it's Troupe of Komu and Tom's, and lately YuMizu. Okay, Yumiko. And Aqua5's. But still.

Looks like Snow Troupe is going to have interesting times ahead. Oh, I really, really hope that Oto won't retire along with Chika, because she's my favourite from Snow after Yumiko.

ETA// Yes, I will hopefully have time to do peopwe update in the near future. At least about Flower Troupe's Elisabeth


Never Say Goodbye

So yes, Cosmos Troupe's Never Say Goodbye from year 2006. Last show of The Golden Combi, Wao and Hana. And....
Excuse me for a while, I just have to Squee. Squee!!! Now, continuing.

For plot go to Takawiki

I don't know how much it's because NSG is my first Zuka play that I own, but I love it. I really, really love. And yes, I cried for two and half times (half because I didn't actually have time to stop and calm down after second time)

Wao and Hana were just simply amazing as Georges and Katherine. I'm still so awestruck that I don't have that much to say. Those two roles were just written for them, their chemistry is just so....Real. And they potrayed them so that they seemed very...human. Plus no musumeyaku plays can play pissed off and drunk better than Hana.

I liked Tani (Yamato Yuuga) as Vincente very, very much. She did right to character passionate temper, plus she looked hot both in matador's and "regular" clothes. My only complain is that why in the name of Tom she had to sing in range that was just plain wrong for her voice. It was...Ugh

And yay, Liechenstein! Musumeyaku who played Liechenstein at Moon Troupe's Elisabeth (2005) plays Elle. Her real name is... Shijou Rui, Rui or Hitomi for short. Oh, she used to be otokoyaku, until switched to musumeyaku at 2002 and...Retired Top Musumeyaku of Cosmos (2006-2007)

Plus Ahi as Aguilar is love. At first I was "wait, what the heck Ahi is doing there?" I mean, it looks like almost everybody has been at Cosmos, even if for short time. And after this, I'm even more saddened that she retired.

There were so many of those siennes who played small(er) role, but you couldn't help but notice. And Eriko as Hans <3

Oh, the music was lovely, I really need the get (buy) the soundtrack.

I'm still too giddy and seriously need to watch for second time right now

No Passaran!

(It cracks me up how Ahi just appears in the middle of song and starts dancing. Hello, there's supposed to be street battles going)
My shiny things arrived!!

Never Say Goodbye and cd with 2/4 songs from Flower Troupe's Phantom <3


Wrap your music around my heart

Ugh, I'm so torn between should my next order be A Kiss to the Flames (ordered from TCA shop) or Phantom, year 2004 Cosmos Troupe version (ordered from Sound of Music). Both of them would have Wao and Hana as Tops.
I know I've been saying that KttF would be next one, but more I listen and watch Phantom clips, the more I want to see and own it.
But also KttF have it's plus sides (more than only Hana in blanket), mainly revue that seems to be liked by many.

*Sigh* hopefully I can decide before I have the money to order the next dvd